Treatment options
To prolong the lifetime of the product and preserve its appealing appearance, it is recommended to treat natural timber with a wood preservative agent as soon as possible.
Unprocessed wood becomes greyish after having been left untouched for a while and can turn blue and become mouldy. Treating wood with a preservative effectively protects against wood-destroying fungi, insects and wood rot. Therefore, it is recommended to use the Palmako AS product treatment service. Treating means that you do not have to treat surfaces with an oil primer and undercoat.
As we have our own treatment baths for brown, grey and clear white dip treatment, most of the Palmako Connect Biancas and components can be ordered treated with Axil 3000 P by the Sarpap & Cecil Industries water-soluble treatment liquid, guaranteeing treatment within classes 1-3. Dipped wood must be finished with at least two layers of topcoat. Topcoat should be applied on the dipped product as soon as possible. In case the dipped cabin is left unfinished for over six months, the wood protective properties of the dipping liquid will start decreasing.