Unified Floors
To meet the specific market demands some of our cabins are sold without a floor. Although in majority cases floor can be purchased as an optional extra. As of 2021 Palmako starts to offer unified floor kits in such a cases.
An unified floor kit contains of:
- 3/4" x 3-1/2" x 92-1/2" double and tenoned needed number of floorboards
- 1-3/4" x 2-3/4" x 118-1/8" brown dipped (BNDIP) needed number of foundation beams
- 3/4" x 3/4" x 92-1/2" skirting boards
- 3/4" x 3/4" door strip according to the width of the door opening (in two sizes - for a single door and a double door) and the wall thickness.
Due to the different size of cabins and measurements of the floors, please consider below described principle in general in cutting floorboards into the exact measure.
Specific floor kits
As some of our floors as an optional extra are very specific, treated (Tiago houses) or cut into angle (Betty pergolas), then product specific floor kits are still available for Betty, Tiago and Stella houses.